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Tenant Selection Criteria Spokane

Dear Prospective Tenant: 

感谢您对homerriver Group®(“经理”)管理的出租房屋(“租赁”)感兴趣。. We 要求所有准居民在完成一份申请时符合以下资格标准 申请房屋出租,并确认你明白及同意:

这只是一份租金申请,并不保证申请人将获得租金. 业主或管理人可接受一份以上的租金申请,并可使用其唯一的和 exclusive discretion, select the first qualified applicant.

All application fees paid to Manager are non-refundable.

Photo I.D.:所有申请人必须验证身份以完成此申请. Manager reserves the right to 自动拒绝所有不完整的提交或无法验证申请人的身份.

申请人必须实际居住在他们所申请的租房内. Applicant must live in the 租金和披露所有人将占用租金. All persons residing in the Rental are subject to background checks prior to occupancy. All persons 18 years of age or older must be a leaseholder and qualify for the Rental with the applicant.

如果一个潜在客户根据经理的租户选择标准被拒绝, Manager reserves the right to take adverse action. . 这可能包括拒绝申请,要求支付更高的安全性 押金,或要求获得合格的租赁担保人.

根据单位的大小确定了占用限制. Maximum number of persons allowed is 规定如下(除非法律或地方条例另有规定):每幢房屋不得超过2人 一间卧室加一间,除非适用州法律另有规定.

Other Qualifying Factors: 经理将考虑租期长短(最少一年); 使您接受租金所需的费用(不包括任何公平住房) 相关的住宿要求),以及在您入住之前租赁的空置时间.

Automatic Decline: 申请人将因以下原因被自动拒绝:任何申请人 who has been evicted by a prior Landlord for cause, Falsification of application, Invalid Social Security 号码,尚未完全完成或无法核实的申请. Additionally, Manager 保留自动拒绝所有不完整和无法核实的申请的权利.

Rental Acceptance: 准租客在“现状”条件下接受租金. Requests for 更改租金必须以书面形式提交申请. Applicant must submit security 在接受申请后24小时内缴交按金及签署租约,否则可按 经理可自行决定取消或撤销租赁要约.

Lease Guarantor: :担保人将被考虑仅根据收入被拒绝的申请人 or lack of established credit history. 担保人不考虑未能满足租金的申请人 history, credit, or criminal background qualifications. Only one Guarantor per house is permissible. Guarantors may be relatives or an employer; friends may not serve as a Guarantor. The Guarantor must 提交申请,支付申请费并提供所有必要的证明文件. Guarantors must have a net monthly income in the range of 3.5 to 6.5 times the monthly market rent 根据租赁业主的不同,TransUnion®居民评分最低必须达到700 +,并且满足 all of Manager’s other Tenant Screening Criteria.

TransUnion® Resident Score





Fails to meet the TransUnion® Resident Score.



Below ideal TransUnion® Resident Score but may be considered with 2 months security deposit or maximum deposit allowable by State Law. Lower scores in this range may have higher deposits or require other adverse action to be taken

650 +


Meets or exceeds TransUnion® Resident Score requirement.

信贷决策设置由经理根据TransUnion®居民评分进行配置 requirement Settings and other credit data. This score describes the degree to which the applicant meets the criteria.



Open, Discharged or Dismissed 0-3 years


None, Discharged or Dismissed 3+ years


Residency History




Pending foreclosure or foreclosure with debt(s) owed


Household Net Income / Rent Ratio 



0 – 1.99x


Fails to meet the income to rent ratio.

2 – 2.49x


低于理想的收入租金比,但可以考虑两个月的保证金或国家法律允许的最高保证金. 在这个范围内较低的比率可能有较高的存款或需要采取其他不利措施.

2.5x +


Meets minimum household income to rent ratio

Criminal History

None in Last Seven (7) Years:

  • Drug Manufacturing or Distribution


Items Considered/Reviewed Individually

  • Physical Offenses Against Persons (Violent-Fatal, Violent-Non-Fatal, Kidnapping, Sex Offenses)
  • Property Offenses (Theft-Related, Destruction Related)
  • Financial Offenses (Fraud, Bad Check)
  • Drug Use Offenses (Marijuana, Other)
  • Other Felony Offenses (Motor Vehicle & License, Prostitution, Alcohol, Wildlife, Government Obstruction)

Reviewed individually, taking into account mitigating factors, such as facts & circumstances surrounding the criminal conduct, age at time of conduct, evidence of good tenancy before & after conduct, nature & severity of conviction, and the amount of time that has passed since the conviction. Criminal history which indicates that an applicant’s tenancy would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals or whose tenancy could result in substantial physical damage to the property of the owner or others may result in denial of application.

homerriver集团遵守所有适用的公平住房法. Fair Housing Laws prohibit 基于各种标准的歧视,包括但不限于种族, religion, color national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, marital status, veterans’ status, familial status, lawful source of income, housing laws and disability.


宠物可能被允许,具体情况视租赁和社区而定. 下列品种禁止饲养,可能会导致申请被拒绝:

Barnyard animals are prohibited. 也禁止照看其他任何人、动物或宠物. 未经批准的动物在租赁场所被视为违反租约,并可能导致罚款,包括驱逐. 经理要求所有宠物和服务动物进行筛选和/或验证.

您有权在收到本通知后60天内获得报告的免费副本,并对任何报告的完整性或准确性提出异议 信用报告机构出具的消费者报告中的信息.

HomeRiver Group does not accept comprehensive portable or reusable tenant screening applications. All applicants are 根据租户标准页面上的标准进行筛选. You have the right to a free copy of the report within 60 days of 收到本通知并对其完整性或准确性提出异议 信用卡出具的消费者报告中的任何信息 reporting agency.

您可以在公平信用报告法案下的权利摘要中找到 here: http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/bcfp_consumer-rights-summary_2018-09.pdf

Credit Reporting Agency Name: Transunion Toll Free Phone Number: 1-800-916-8800 Address: 1510 Chest Pike, Crum Lynne, PA, 19022